Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Liquid Calories

Many people who workout and are trying to watch what they eat, or are cutting back on the number of calories they eat, may be doing themselves a disservice by turning to sports drinks and vitamin enhanced water in order to supplement and/or replace nutrients that they would otherwise be getting from whole foods.

This may be a "BIG" mistake...

Many of these drinks are loaded with sugar. Are completely unnecessary for the average exerciser, and in my opinion are a complete waste of money.

According to The Berkley Wellness Newsletter, the average American adult consumes 28 ounces of sugary liquids (sports drinks, soda...) a day, which adds up to about 300 calories a day. If you multiply that by 365 days, you would get a total of 109,500 calories.

It would take a 150lb man 209 days, running at 10mph, for an hour every day, to burn-off all of those sugar calories - that's over six months!

To learn more about the dangers of liquid calories -
Go To: You Are Also What You Drink, Fewer Sugary Drinks Key To Weight Loss, Do Energy, Sports Drinks Live Up To The Hype? and Diet Tip: Watch What You Drink. Also read Dr. Melina Jampolis's (Physician Nutrition Specialist for CNN) answer to this question: Can drinking lots of water help you lose weight?

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